
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

hey guys! bet you didn’t expect to be hearing from me so soon….lol.
i told you i wouldn’t use busyness as an excuse again….so, i’m back.

last blog we left off in Jbay, using the final weeks to say goodbye to GLA and prepare for heidelberg.

on february 13, the squad split up (against my wishes) right before my favorite holiday….valentine’s day <3 thankfully the squad knew how important celebrating valentine’s day was to me and allowed me to turn february 10 into gap k valentine’s day. the way my team and squad showed up to wholeheartedly celebrate my favorite holiday and me still makes me weepy if i think about it.

anyways, i’m getting off track, sorry.

so, february 13, the squad split up and manna got on a 7 hour bus ride to heidelberg, a small town tucked in the mountains of the western cape. upon arrival we were given keys to our own home and were told to rest and be blessed. rest and blessing are buzzwords here that very accurately describe this season.

on paper, our ministry is at langeberg christian church and charis Bible college. we meet whatever needs are present such as painting murals, helping out in classrooms, organizing things for church, helping out staff, cleaning campus etc. however, what the Lord has for us here often looks different. one thing our ministry hosts are passionate about is that each individual is able to do ministry where their specific gifts are being used. so, there is a lot of flexibility within our ministry days. ultimately, ministry is what we make of it here. with this flexibility, we have had to learn as a team how to steward this properly, giving us all a good taste of what life will look like back in the states. in this, life looks like hosting and being hosted, living in fellowship with the local church, ministering to others while also being ministered to, being interruptible to other people and to the Holy Spirit….you know, typical “life is ministry and ministry is life” things 😉

it has been sweet to see each girl individually press into what the Lord is asking of them during this time, whether that is talking to people on the streets or baking for the congregation every sunday, each girl is leaning deeper into the giftings the Lord has blessed them with.

as for me, heidelberg has taught me a lot of unique lessons about leadership specifically. through my months leading, i have learned that the best way to lead is to first be in step with the Lord, being obedient to His promptings, and carrying them out in love and mercy. with this, i have to consistently keep myself in check and pray about if the decisions i make and/or my desires for the team are Biblical and what the Lord desires for us…or if they are selfish. praying into heidelberg, i wanted revival, crazy testimony’s of the Holy Spirit, healings of all kinds….a miracle…i don’t know! something big to write home about. in praying about this, the Lord revealed that all He wanted for us in heidelberg was to have fun….along with a few tweaks in the team time schedule, this was the only direction I was getting for this month ahead. a month that I have been personally preparing for since training camp.

strange, but if the Lord says to have fun….we WILL have fun.

as the days went on here in heidelberg, we started having fun and enjoying each other’s company. eating meals together and sitting around the table for hours laughing, dance parties (which mainly consist of sasha dancing for us), movie nights (that i willingly participate in AND stay awake for…that’s love), playing dumpy at school….we took the mission of having fun very seriously. in this, the Lord started to move within the team in ways i had been praying for since training camp. walls broken down, growth, team unity, chains broken and revelations from the Holy Spirit in which hunger for the Lord was instilled. big things! big big things that were led in by….fun? strange.

as someone whose idea of fun is sitting down and having deep conversation, i forget the relational power of a board game or a dance party. i had been leading the team at an imbalance, not creating space for the girls on the team who needed to have fun in ways i didn’t in order to feel seen enough to open up and choose in.

crazy! who would have thought? not me. thank you Lord for calling the shots and not me.

so, with that being said, manna has one more week in heidelberg before going to guatemala! i know that this upcoming week will be fun as we live in the fullness of joy that the Lord provides when we commune with Him. it’s so simple, how did i forget!

anyways, i have two really huge asks before we go.

1. prayer for guatemala! guatemala is the start of our last leg of the race. please pray for the team and squad as we enter into this season that we will be present and expectant for all that the Lord has for us in this season, i know it’s going to be rich.

2. fundraising! i am still not fully funded, and need to be before entering guatemala in 1 week! i currently need $1,500. if you feel led to support me on this journey, you can donate through the support tab at the top of this page, or venmo me @Hallie-Moffitt

again, thank you guys! i love you a lot, and not to be a countdown girl but…i’ll see you pretty soon!!!