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My team.

I live with them. Do ministry with them. Love on them. Cry with them. Laugh with them. Fight with them & everything in between.

Meet them…..


Ally is our team mom. She loves kids. She loves us. Her presence is gentle but she is powerful. If she could do one thing for her whole life it would probably be holding babies. I admire her for that. Babies scare me, they are so fragile…what if I break them.



Avery keeps our team on track spiritually. She provides wisdom and thoughtful prayer everywhere she goes. She calls us higher and encourages us as we do so. The Lord is her banner. She finds her strength in scripture and in doing so she makes us strong.



Mack makes us feel loved. She is a source of joy, love and back scratches always. She is constantly teaching us how to have a childlike faith and how to give out love like its candy. Mack is gentle, but she is mighty.



Maggie is our voice of reason. She keeps us on track and in check. She is loving and kind and strong. Everything she has is yours. Giving is second nature to her. Love, snacks, clothes, wisdom, a lick on the cheek…you name it, Maggie will give it to you without second guessing. To know her is to love her.



Sarah keeps our team positive. She chooses joy daily and pushes us to do the same. She keeps our team laughing.  I don’t think you can have a conversation with her without laughing at least once. Sarah keeps me sane. She laughs at my jokes, even the really bad ones. She uplifts us all and loves us well.



Taylor keeps our team honest. I don’t think she can tell a lie. She is blunt and bold and strong. Wherever she goes she brings joy and laughter. Without her, our team would have less joy, less transparency and fewer fights over who farted. We love Taylor.



Tierney keeps our team accountable. She loves us well and she loves others well. She keeps our hearts and minds pointed towards the Lord, giving us direction when we have none. She is a genuine hard worker with a servants heart. We are thankful for T.

This group of girls is special. I worried about who would be on my team for months, but the moment I met them I was at peace. It is so evident how God has handpicked each one of us for our different gifts. I am confident that through us, he will do big things. Thankful for my 7 new sisters <3  


(Check out their blogs to hear more about what we are doing here! They are better at posting than me and we are literally together 24/7 so if it happened to them you can guarantee I was probably there haha)


6 responses to “meet my sisters”

  1. Hallie, you are a gift to this world. Your family has given you to support you in all directions. I’ve know your mom since she was a girl & met you at a young age as well. Your grandmother was my sparkle & you bring her to life everyday.
    Keep passing your love.
    So proud to know you. Be safe. ????

  2. This might be the sweetest, kindest thing I’ve e ever read. As a dad to one of these, you’ve made my heart full. Thanks kid!

  3. What an amazing group you get to journey with! We believe God brought each one of you together on this team with your unique giftings and personalities for a purpose. Love that we get to journey with you watching His plan for Team Sisters beautifully unfold!

  4. beautiful descriptions of your sisters… I love how each of you have a special talent that make a strong team!

    Momma Means

  5. Dear Halliegirl,
    I was so touched by your descriptions of your new sisters in faith! It sounds like God handpicked your team and has great plans in store for y’all. My heart is full of awe and admiration for you and the call you are following . I love you!! Grammy